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Hello VO!

  • Podcasting Basics Part 1

    Podcasting Basics Part 1

    Part 1 – Do want to do your own podcast? This episode for YOU – yes YOU, the podcast you want to do starts right here! Lisa talks to her friend and podcast…

  • Telling Stories: Audiobook Narration

    Telling Stories: Audiobook Narration

    Lisa sits down with her friend and colleague Cathi Colas to talk about Audiobook narration. Cathi is an accomplished, successful and talented audiobook voice over narrator and has dozens and dozens of completed…

  • Doing A Voice Over Job Start to Finish

    Doing A Voice Over Job Start to Finish

    Episode 15 – What does a Voice Over project look like from start to finish? Lisa talks about how to tackle all the details of a voice over job. Once you become a…

  • It’s Smart to Invest in YOU!

    It’s Smart to Invest in YOU!

    Episode #14 -This episode is all about Investing in YOU and your career – investing time, investing money and investing sweat – it’s ok if it’s uncomfortable! Take care of your FUTURE self…

  • Dealing With Uncertainty

    Dealing With Uncertainty

    Episode 13: Self doubt isn’t the deal breaker you think it is. Lisa is joined by her special guest and her own personal business coach, Jeff Sooey. You’ll be surprised by some of…

  • Time Is On Your Side

    Time Is On Your Side

    Episode #12 – Do you suffer from not “having enough time”? Join the crowd. But hey, this is not a deal killer if you want to pursue VO! Lisa talks about how you…

  • You Think That’s Funny?

    You Think That’s Funny?

    In this special episode, award winning animation voice actor and voice coach Michael Yurchak joins Lisa to talk about the specialty area of voice overs known as animation, or character acting. Michael is…

  • Questions Questions Questions!

    Questions Questions Questions!

    Episode #10 – Getting started in voice overs? SO many questions – GOOD questions about the voice over industry! Lisa tackles some of the most common questions beginning voice over talents have about…

  • Failing Will NOT Kill Us

    Failing Will NOT Kill Us

    Episode #9 – Healthy skepticism can be valuable, but , BUT, a lot of the time, skepticism can be very damaging to our dreams and sometimes that skeptic is US. Be willing to…

  • Nobody’s Perfect-Nobody

    Nobody’s Perfect-Nobody

    Episode #8. In this episode, Lisa talks about getting voice over coaching. VO COACHES ARE NOT PERFECT! We are all human and Lisa shares a story about her own mistake and when she…

  • Voice Over Industry Terms

    Voice Over Industry Terms

    Hey! If you’re a voice over beginner, you might be wondering, “What the heck are they are talking about?” In this episode, get familiar with some of the terms used in the voice…

  • Voice Over Competition Misconceptions

    Voice Over Competition Misconceptions

    The fear of “competition” can keep a lot of people from moving forward with voice overs. Fact is, there is competition in ALL careers and industries. In this episode, we explore the misconception…

  • Ya Need A Demo Ya Know!

    Ya Need A Demo Ya Know!

    Episode #5 Wanna show people WHAT you can do? Well, you actually wanna have casting directors HEAR what you can do! That’s where voice over demos come in. GOOD demos get you noticed,…

  • Keep That Voice of Yours Healthy!

    Keep That Voice of Yours Healthy!

    Episode # 4 – YOUR instrument in voice overs is…your VOICE! One of the questions I get asked the most is, how do we keep our voice in good health? Learn ways to…

  • You Need A Microphone!

    You Need A Microphone!

    A professional voice over mic isn’t the very FIRST thing you need, but you WILL need it eventually. And you need more than a microphone for your home studio recording setup. The good…

  • The 4 Must-Haves Of Voice Overs

    The 4 Must-Haves Of Voice Overs

    In this episode, I talk about the 4 elements you MUST have to become a professional voice over talent, and these are not negotiable. But the good news is, there are only 4!…

  • Do You Have a Good Voice?

    Do You Have a Good Voice?

    In this episode, I talk about how to get started in voice overs, and the first thing we need to cover is your “product”. What is your product? Hey, it’s your voice! And…